Recent Posts
April 15, 2020
I have been thinking for long time in creating a newsletter. I made an rss feed since day 1, but I know some people prefer newsletters.So you can now sign-up to receive new posts on your inbox. No spam, just an email whenever a new blog post is pu...
April 13, 2020
Implementing Authentication on Play Framework
Implementing User Authentication on Scala Play Framework
March 24, 2020
When 1 + 1 = 3
How to make Java saying 1 + 1 = 3 by messing with Integer cache
December 01, 2019
My journey into React
My experience coming from the JVM into front-end development with React
September 17, 2019
Type safe builder pattern
How to create a type safe builder pattern
June 18, 2019
First steps into RabbitMQ
Beginners tutorial on why and how to use RabbitMQ with Scala examples
April 23, 2019
Play Framework and Slick example updated
The updated version of the Play Framework, Slick, and MySQL tutorial and demo application. Now for Play 2.7.X
February 14, 2019
An intro to Mutation Testing - or why coverage sucks
A intro to Mutation Testing, a technique that has become robust enough to be seen as a reliable alternative to Code Coverage as the de facto metric for assessing your unit tests quality.