External contributions
- Remove the First n Digits of a Number in Scala
- Removing a Substring From a String in Scala
- Round a Number to the Nearest or Next Multiple of 10 in Scala
- Different Ways to Format Numbers in Scala
- Calculate the Average of a List in Scala
- Check if a Character Is Alpha Numeric in Scala
- Convert Integers Between Octal and Decimal Representations in Scala
- Repeat a Character Multiple Times in Scala
- Check if All Elements in a List Are Equal in Scala
- Convert a List of String to List of Int in Scala
- Reversing Strings in Scala
- Get the Week of the Year From a Date in Scala
- Remove Duplicate Characters From a String in Scala
- Reverse the Sign of an Int in Scala
- Handling Multiple Exceptions Together in Scala
- Convert Epoch Milliseconds to DateTime in Scala
- Iterate a List Backwards in Scala
- Convert a Number to Binary Representation in Scala
- Insert a Character at an Index in a Scala String
- Get the Index of Element With Max Value in a Scala List
- PriorityQueue in Scala
- Calculate Elapsed Time of a Method in Scala
- Compare Floating Point Numbers in Scala
- Find the Most Frequent Element in a Scala Collection
- Finding the Difference Between Two Lists in Scala
- Get the Current Scala Version
- Generate Frequency Map of Strings in Scala
- Creating a New Scala Sbt Project Using Giter8
- Querying Mappings in Scala Maps
- Using foreach() Method in Scala Collections
- Remove All Whitespace From a String in Scala
- Find Min and Max of a Collection in Scala
- Remove an Item by Index From a List
- Count the Number of Occurrences of an Element in a List
- Replace Elements in a Scala List by Index
- Shuffle Collections in Scala
- Get a Random Element From an Array in Scala
- Create a List With the Same Repeated Element
- Find the Element With Max Value in a Map in Scala
- Generate a List of Random Numbers in Scala
- List Files in a Directory in Scala
- Remove Elements from the End of a String in Scala
- Get a Random Number in Scala
- Find Unique Items in a List in Scala
- Console I/O in Scala
- Guide to ArrayBuffer
- Read a File From the Resources Folder in Scala
- Printing Arrays in Scala
- Check if a String is a number in Scala
- Check If a File or Path Exists in Scala
- Guide to Annotations in Scala
- Optional Braces in Scala 3
- Parameter Untupling in Scala 3
- How to See The Dependency Tree in SBT
- StringBuilder in Scala
- Scala Traits vs. Abstract Classes
- Iteration With Index and Value in Scala
- Joining a Collection of Strings in Scala
- Repeated Parameters in Scala
- Finding the Index of an Element in a List with Scala
- How to Read Environment Variables in Scala
- Conversion to and from a String in Scala
- Configuring Heap Size for SBT