Recent Posts
August 31, 2018
Strings are not the type you are looking for
Why use statically typed languages when all of your types are Strings? Forget about Primitive Obsession and leverage the type system for code correctness
July 01, 2018
Are Scala Streams really lazy?
Are Scala Streams really lazy?
February 20, 2018
Creating forms on your Play application - Part 2
Advanced HTML forms in Play framework.
February 01, 2018
Creating forms on your Play application - Part 1
How to create simple HTML forms in Play framework.
November 30, 2017
Why you should think twice before using Tuples
Why you should think twice before using Scala Tuples. The problems of using tuples in Scala.
August 29, 2017
Handling exceptions in Scala
How to handle exceptions in Scala. try/catch vs Try vs Catch[T]
June 28, 2017
Git Workflow
How to use Git? What is the best Git workflow? Hot to use git log? Solving merge conflicts. Git reset vs Git checkout. Third part of a series of git tutorials
March 14, 2017
Scala interview questions
Some basic, or not so basic, questions about Scala. Interview level questions. Preparing your next Scala interview.